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BINARAGANET is BuiltWithSolar, We run on 100% renewable clean energy - zero emission - we carbon offset your entire purchase and our emission using on-grid solar panels making your purchase and our operation carbon-negative - We believe in a brighter, positive future and a more sustainable tomorrow

We are building a 100-year company, BINARAGANET builds for the long term, and that means investing in our planet, our communities, and our people. Our Sustainability initiatives include choosing renewable energy, reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions, and enabling an equitable and sustainable future by building products and programs to support our team and members.

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BODYMASTER Dual Cable Crossover
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BODYMASTER Cable crossover BM-5005 Mesin yang memberikan variasi Strength Training, dengan menggunakan sistem kabel yang cocok untuk digunakan sebagai mesin Home use, ataupun Light- comercial machine. Spesifikasi : - Brand : BODYMASTER - Material : Heavy duty iron - Dimensi : P132 x L142 x T203 cm - Maks beban 125kg Feature : - Heavy Duty, Dibuat dari ..... more details

CONCEPT2 RowERG  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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The dependable performance of our Model D Indoor Rower has made it the best selling indoor rower in the world. Recognized by competitive rowers as the standard for indoor training, the Model D delivers an effective cardiovascular workout that will increase your fitness level and tone your physique. At a ..... more details

CONCEPT2 SkiErg  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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The Concept2 SkiErg makes the sport of Nordic skiing available to everyone. Long recognized as delivering one of the toughest workouts around, Nordic skiing develops both strength and endurance and exercises the legs as well as the arms and core. The SkiErg can be used for both double pole and ..... more details

CYBERSPORT Samsak & Speed Ball Stand Boxing Station SM 7201 Cyber Sport  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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Selamat datang, kami senang melayani anda customer care binaraga. Net office +62215840004 whatsapp +62 8561150118 e-mail care@binaraga. Net keuntungan berbelanja di binaraga. Net : 1. Free ebook rai institute senilai 120ribu (bisa pilih salah satu) https: //www. Binaraganet. Com/ebook 2. Free consultation via whatsapp +62 8561150118 atau twitter @binaraganet twitter. Com/binaraganet 3. Free voucher rp.100.000 untuk mengikuti sertifikasi personal trainer ..... more details

DHZ FITNESS Dip / Chin Assist E1009
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Equipment with optional weight support for gradual introduction to the body’s own weight Padded leg rest for comfortable use, can be moved up for full body weight exercise. The adjusted weight reduces the necessary pulling force.   Berat Item belom Fix,  apabila sudah OK, hubungi kami di 0813-8162-8219, untuk memastikan berat item ..... more details

DHZ FITNESS Multi Rack E6225
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Ideal and safe holding and support device for all exercises. Can be used on both sides. Without accessories. Type No.: E6225 Size (L/W/H): 241 x 247 x 305 mm Weight: 430 Kg   Active Area: 2,4 M x 2,5M ..... more details

DHZ FITNESS Smith Machine E3063
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The negative angle supports natural movement in particular in press exercises and knee bends. A closed guide rail with safety lock provides quick and easy adjustment. Six weight slots. Dim: 109*218*232cm Weight: 167 KG Thickness 2.5 mm        Berat Item belom Fix,  apabila sudah OK, hubungi kami di 0813-8162-8219, untuk memastikan berat item ..... more details


Cek Produk BINARAGA.NET di BPOM Suplemen yang dijual di original, berasal dari importir resmi yang terdaftar, memiliki izin edar dan sertifikasi BPOM. Informasi yang disediakan dalam bukan untuk menggantikan nasihat Dokter dan pernyataan didalamnya serta penggunaannya tidak ditujukan untuk mendiagnosa, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah masalah kesehatan apapun. Shop and get Free EBook Rai Institute Rp.120.000, Free Voucher Rp.100.000 untuk mengikuti Sertifikasi Personal Trainer Rai Institute, Anti Aging dr. Phaidon, bergabung dengan komunitas Binaraga Natural terbesar di Indonesia dan free konsultasi Easy Rapid FatLoss & MuscleGain selama 2 minggu. 6 Jam terkirim khusus Jakarta by Gojek & Grab, Cash On Delivery by J&T.

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